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Policies & Procedures

General Information

Drop Off/Pick Up

During this time, we are not allowing parents to enter the building.  The Car Line is the drop off and pick up method we will be using this year and it is not optional unless your are walking from your house. We understand that there may be exceptions and those will be looked at on a case by case basis for appropriate accommodations. Thank you for understanding. Car Line Guidelines are as follows:

  • Cars will enter from Bennett Road (as usual) and exit on Harwicke Road (as usual).

  • The first vehicle will continue up to the shed. Other cars will move up allowing room for the vehicles behind them.

  • Please remain in your vehicle and join the car line; do not park and walk up with your child.

  • Please  have your child's car line sign visible as you are approached by a staff member. Holding it up or placing it on the driver side window works best. If you are walking please have the sign with you to hold up.

  • For safety reasons, please have your child's car seat behind the driver if possible.

  • Please DO NOT get out of your vehicle while in the car line.

  • For Drop Off: Please don't arrive any earlier than 9:10am or 12:25pm. Our Staff will safely line up the children and escort them into the classroom.

  • For Pick Up: Please don't arrive any earlier than 11:40am or 2:55pm. Our Staff will put the children in the car.  If your child needs assistance buckling their seat belt, please keep moving toward the exit on Harwicke Road.  You may pull your vehicle into a parking space and park to provide assistance.

  • Do not drive out of the lot with your child(ren) unsecured in their car seats.  The use of car seats for preschoolers is mandated by law.  

  • For families that walk to school, just walk up to the teacher to Drop Off or Pick Up. Please keep 6 feet distance if you are waiting in line to Drop Off or Pick Up.

Tuition Payments

Since parents will not be able to enter the building, you will be able to drop off your tuition in our new Drop Off Box. You can also choose to set up an Automatic Bill Pay through your bank and your bank will mail us a check directly. Automatic Bill Pay should be set up for Saint Matthew Christian Nursery School, 400 Lynbrooke Road, Springfield, PA 19064. We are currently exploring online payment methods and will let you know when one is available. Tuition Envelopes will be sent home monthly and are also available from the office upon request.



To the best of our abilities, our communication will be done electronically via email, text message or phone call.  We want to remain in good communication with you, so please make sure that your phone number and email address are up to date in order to receive important information regarding our school, programs, special events, your child’s progress and well-being.  We encourage you to continue to call or email the school with any questions or concerns.



During this time, we are only allowing staff and students in our building.  There will be no Guest Readers or parents at Birthday Celebrations. All deliveries will be made outside, and tours will be scheduled at non-business hours. Delaware County Intermediate Unit therapists may enter the building only if the child relies on them to function in our program.  If a parent must enter the building in an emergency, they must wear a mask and wash their hands upon entering the building. They also must practice social distancing from others and remain 6 feet from other people, except their own child.



We will not be having music classes at this time.  Studies have shown that the coronavirus can spread in respiratory aerosols, which may linger in the air for an hour or more, floating farther than the six feet commonly prescribed for social distancing. Singing releases more respiratory aerosols and increases the risk of spreading the virus.


Outdoor Play

Per CDC guidelines, outdoor play is permitted and encouraged during this time.  We will clean the outdoor play areas with soap and water at the end of each day.  Outdoor play will occur in classroom groups. The children may also go on neighborhood walks (parental consent is required).

© 2023 by Saint Matthew Christian Nursery School

400 Lynbrooke Road, Springfield PA, 19064

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