Policies & Procedures
Wellness & Exclusion
Positive Cases of COVID-19
If there is a positive case of COVID-19 among a staff member or child, that staff member or child will be
immediately excluded from the school until they are symptom free without any medications for 3 days (72
Parents and staff will be notified immediately of any positive case through a Potential COVID-19 Exposure
email containing a formal letter. Students identified as close contacts will be notified through a Child
Identified as Close Contact email containing the close contact guidance issued by the Chester County Health
Department and that will be sent in immediate succession to the general notification.
As with every illness, we will not release the name of the individual, nor the area they have been in within the
school as we are not allowed to share personal identifiable information (PII). Also, we will not disclose if the
individual was symptomatic or asymptomatic, what were the symptoms, test date or test result date as under
HIPAA health information is private and at Saint Matthew Christian Nursery School that is confidential.
We will also report it to the Chester County Health Department, and will follow their advice which could
potentially include the school closing for a period of time that the Health Department will determine based on
the level of risk.
Child Becomes Sick at School
If your child becomes sick at school, they will be immediately removed from the classroom setting and sent to the office with the director, where we will have a mat set up for them. You will be notified to pick your child up within the hour, and, depending on symptoms, to contact your child’s physician for them to be seen. A child or staff member will be excluded if they present symptoms of a COVID-like illness. The chart below defines the criteria for a COVID-19-like illness:
A COVID-like illness is defined as:
At least ONE of these symptoms:
* New or persistent cough
* Shortness of breath
* New loss of sense of smell
* New loss of sense of taste
At least TWO of these symptoms:
* Fever≥ 100.4°F
* Chills
* Muscle pain
* Headache
* Sore throat
* Nausea/vomiting
* Diarrhea
* Fatigue
* Congestion/runny nose
We will be considering a fever as a temperature of 100.4 F or higher.
Exclusion of a Sick Child or Employee Policy Temporary Addendum
Symptomatic with test positive: exclude for 10 days from symptom onset AND at least 3 days (72 hours) after fever resolution (if present) AND improved respiratory symptoms.
Symptomatic not tested: exclude for 10 days from symptom onset AND at least 3 days (72 hours) after fever resolution (if present) AND improved respiratory symptoms.
Symptomatic with test negative: exclude until afebrile for 24 hours (if fever present) AND improved respiratory symptoms.
Symptomatic determined to have an alternative cause for illness by their primary medical doctor: exclude until symptoms resolved.
Exposed and asymptomatic: exclude for 14 days from last exposure if remains asymptomatic; exclude until meets criteria #1/2 if becomes symptomatic.
Return to Care After COVID-19 or COVID-Like Illness
Children and staff members identified as ill on screening or who are sent home for being symptomatic:
Children or staff members who meet criteria for illness on screening or who become ill while at school and are sent home will be referred to their healthcare provider for evaluation.
For staff members and children, who are not currently a close contact or quarantined, presenting with
symptoms that may be associated with COVID-19 may return to school when:
Symptomatic child/staff members who is not tested: exclude for 10 days from symptom onset AND at least 24 hours after fever resolution (if present) without the use of fever reducing medication AND improved respiratory symptoms.
Symptomatic child/staff members determined by a health care provider to have an illness other than COVID-19: exclude until without a fever for 24 hours (if fever present) without the use of fever reducing medication and symptoms improving.
Symptomatic child/staff members with test negative: exclude until without a fever for 24 hours (if fever present) without the use of fever reducing medication AND improved respiratory symptoms.
Discontinuing at home isolation:
A symptom-based strategy (i.e., time-since-illness-onset and time-since-recovery strategy) is the only recommended strategy in discontinuing at home isolation. A test-based strategy is no longer recommended to determine when to discontinue home isolation, except in certain circumstances as determined by a healthcare provider.
Symptom-Based Strategy Individuals with COVID-19 who have symptoms and were directed to care for themselves at home may discontinue isolation under the following conditions:
At least 1 day (24 hours) have passed since recovery defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and improvement in symptoms; and,
At least 10 days have passed AFTER symptoms first appeared.
For Persons Who Tested Positive for COVID-19 but have NOT had COVID-19 Symptoms in Home Isolation:
Persons with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 who have not had any symptoms and were directed to care for themselves at home may discontinue isolation after no less than 10 days have passed since the date of their first positive COVID-19 diagnostic test, provided no symptoms have developed during that 10-day period.
Other Considerations
Our 24-hour fever free without the use of medication policy will still hold true for all non-COVID-19 related illnesses.
Children with a runny nose and/or congestion may attend as long as they are able to participate comfortably in our program activities and able to abide by our mask wearing protocol: the child must not have any other symptoms, and be able to breath normally with a mask on, and mucus must be clear and the mask must not get mucus soaked within 30 minutes.
Depending on the symptoms, we may require a doctor’s note for return to school. Please contact the office before sending your child to school.
Once a sick child is picked up from our facility, all areas and items touched will be cleaned and disinfected immediately.